University Resources & Initiatives

NYU strives to offer a welcoming environment for those who have, directly or indirectly, had contact with the criminal justice system. In the Spring of 2019, NYU’s Prison Industrial Complex Committee began to catalogue relevant resources and services that are available at NYU. 

This portal is meant to serve as a hub for information about the justice and incarceration work going on at NYU and related student resources found in other relevant places on NYU’s websites for students, and their families. 

To Share a University resource please complete a query form on the Contact page.

Prison Industrial Complex Committee Report

In the fall of 2018, in the wake of student protests organized by the Incarceration to Education Coalition group, the NYU Office of the President formed an ad-hoc semester-long Prison Industrial Complex Committee charged with examining the ways that NYU is currently engaging these issues.

The Committee’s formal charge was to examine how the University already addresses mass incarceration and other steps that could be taken in this arena, focusing on the core university missions of research, teaching, and service at NYU on its New York campus.

The following report published May 2019 is an attempt to capture what the committee learned about what is going on at NYU related to justice and incarceration.  The report does not provide a complete picture; rather, it documents the state of the committee’s current knowledge. 

Financial Assistance for Formerly Incarcerated Students

NYU’s Prison Education Program currently provides full-tuition scholarships and monthly living stipends for students transferring from Wallkill Correctional Facility to the Washington Square Campus to pursue their Associate’s or Bachelor’s degrees. In addition, NYU PEP provides emergency financial assistance in the form of admissions fee waivers, metro cards, books and housing. Students from Wallkill must notify the NYU PEP office of their intent to apply for financial aide to be considered.

The Horizons Grant: As a result of the NYU Prison Industrial Complex Committee’s recent work, the University will now offer two additional undergraduate scholarships, based on need, effective Fall of 2020 to people who were formerly incarcerated. These scholarships are for students who have not participated in the Prison Education Program at Wallkill. Learn more and Apply.

Additional NYU resources for students to find scholarships:

NYU Admissions Prior Criminal Conviction Questions

NYU is committed to treating those with a criminal or disciplinary history with dignity and respect, and have developed a web resource to advise about the admissions application in relation to questions about prior criminal convictions or disciplinary actions. If you have any questions about NYU’s philosophy and approach to criminal or disciplinary offenses, please contact Jonathan Williams, Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Admissions, at +1 212 998 4554.

Bobst Library Mass Incarceration Research Guides

NYU Libraries maintains a public Mass Incarceration Research Guide. The goal of this guide is to showcase academic resources about mass incarceration and the prison industrial complex. For more information about the library’s resources, please contact Subject Librarian Jill Conte,

Student-Led Initiatives and Organizations

There are also student-led initiatives and organizations, both undergraduate and graduate, that advocate for incarcerated or formerly incarcerated populations:

On Campus Student Services

Here is a list of NYU resources and information available to all students:

And a list of programs that may be of interest to formerly-incarcerated students and students whose family members have been incarcerated at NYU :  

Courses Across NYU

The table below lists both undergraduate and graduate courses currently offered at NYU that are at least partially concerned with justice and incarceration.

College of Arts and Science

Gallatin School of Individualized Studies

Silver School of Social Work

Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development

Wagner School of Public Service